

Coffee grinder-doser, "macinino" in familiar Italian speaking, must be carefully cleaned after a long day of use, in order to remove the natural coffee oils that stick inside the bell and go rancid very fast.
The cleaning of the bell require soap and water; it's good to remind that the coffee is hygroscopic, that is it absorbs all surrounding smells if exposed for a certain time.

Depending on coffee daily consumption, grinders must be substitute:
• Every 12 months, for 1 Kg consumption per day;
• Every 6/7 months, for 2/3 Kg consumption per day;
• Every 3/4 months, for 4/7 Kg consumption per day.

It's necessary to grind only the bare essentials of coffee (200/300 g. per time), in order not to overheat grinders. Overheated and worn-out grinders make coffee natural oils emerge.
Pay specific attention to the right fineness of grinded seeds: for two small cups of espresso (30/35 cc per cup) we need 12/13 g. of powdered coffee, extraction time 30 seconds).

The espresso must fall in the cup with a regular motion (called "rat tail way") in order to obtain a compact cream.
If extraction time is too long (thin coffee powder), the espresso will be cold and with a little cream; otherwise, if extraction time is too short (rough coffee powder), the cream will be white, less persistent and the espresso will turn out to be lacking.

So, close the grinders tight if coffee "runs" and enlarge them if it falls drop after drop. It's important to consider that the "macinino" adjustments even depend on environmental moisture (hygroscopic power, again). So, if it's necessary, the change can be made over and over again during the day.


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